Opening weekend report

It was great to hit the slopes again!  Last week’s storm left more on the mountain than I expected to see, and Lincoln was spinning.

The bad news was that overall, conditions were kind of iffy.  Saturday was heavy, wet snow reminiscent of a smoothie, and dense fog with very little visibility.  Sunday greeted us with a surprisingly hard freeze overnight.  Groomers softened up a bit during the day but also got scraped up quick.

Nevertheless I had a blast.  Met some new friends, saw some old buddies and kept it positive.  I was a bit bummed out after the rain last week, but coverage was actually really good for so early in the season.

Of course everyone is abuzz about the storm coming in on Thursday and Friday.  Temperature and snow levels are still wavering a bit, but it looks promising for Sugar Bowl.  Saturday could be a good one!

Just another Truckee local who spends too much time at Sugar Bowl.