Pow day!

I admit it, I was a bit skeptical this storm would amount to much in the end, but Saturday was a bona fide powder day for sure.  A foot out there starting the day, and other than a brief sunshine break, it snowed all day.

About a foot of light blower pow on top of… ice and dirt. It was tons of fun, but a little tricky without much base underneath in a lot of places.

They teased us with Crow’s but didn’t wind up opening it in the end.  Crow’s (and Jerome Hill on Judah side!) are opening Sunday.  I know which one I’m more excited about!

Keep it positive… you got this!

– J Snow

Just another Truckee local who spends too much time at Sugar Bowl.

3 Replies to “Pow day!”

  1. Let’s light this forum up and get psyched for next year.

    I thought Sugar Bowl did an excellent job last year, had really good conditions, groomer crew is awesome, the whole place is way PRO!!!

    What were your impressions. I heard pas sales were up from previous years. Most likely since Alpine/Squaw is going downhill.

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