Happy new year and the Return of the Slightly

Happy new year!  New Year’s Day looked to be a beautiful bluebird day for sure.  I came THIS close to buying a day ticket, especially since this season you can use your half-off tickets on yourself.  Brings this price down from ridiculous to merely expensive.  But in the end I decided to let the tourists enjoy it, dig out leisurely and take Reese Dawg out to play in the snow with his friends.  Looks like despite some crazy operational challenges (flooding?!  holy s***!), Sugar still managed to open Disney by mid-day.  Hope it was great all!

Instead I’ll be returning today with the rest of the Slightly Insane Restricted locals.  So great to be back!  See you out there friends!

P.S. The forecast is looking pretty big as well, wow.

Just another Truckee local who spends too much time at Sugar Bowl.